Friday, May 27, 2011

Anticipating the Great Northern Peninsula

After next week, when I'll be in Fredericton (New Brunswick, obvs), I'll be spending a lot of time in the Northern Peninsula. I just spoke with a woman from Conche, where I'll stay for the first week. It was our second conversation; the first ended with me uncertain about whether she understood that I wanted to stay in her basement apartment. She's L, for lady.

Me: I called you before about staying in your apartment?
L: Oh, yes, I knows.
Me: Great - do you have a room for June 6?
L: Oh yeah. You want to rent for the mon?
Me: [what is a mon?] Oh, no, just the week, I don't need it for the month.
L: Okay. I t'ink yer young and all, so I t'ought you'd like it for the mon. It's cheaper.
Me: That's okay, I'll just be there for a week.
L: You gots a dog, right?
Me: yeah, he's a nice one.
L: I'd like to take him fer walks.
Me: Great, yes, that would be excellent.
L: OH! Deyre's an iceberg out da window.
Me: That's wonderful! It must be beautiful!
L: No. We t'inks dey're ugly. You would t'ink dey're beautiful, 'cause you've not seen 'em.
Me: Yeah, only in pictures. I think they're beautiful, though.
L: Well, bring yer camera.
Me: What's your address?
L: [laughs] They's no address.
Me: So I just show up and ask for where L lives?
L: Yeah, dat's what you do. It's a small town. You'll like it. Quiet [pronounced "quite"] and peaceful.

So that's where I'll be, Conche.

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