Friday, October 22, 2010

A dinner in Pasadena. Pasadena, Newfoundland.

Newfie dinner for 11:
* steak
* salmon
* rice and peas
* green salad
* grapes/walnuts/sour cream/cream cheese heavenness
* sweet potatoes
* roasted potatoes
* pasta salad
* garlic bread
* vanilla cake
* mousse, 3 kinds: bakeapple, chocolate, raspberry
* dark chocolate and coconut squares

The dinner was for a visiting Irish singer/songwriter/storyteller and peace activist, Tommy Sands and his kids. It was in Pasadena, NL, with some of his fellow musicians. After dinner, we sat in the living room with instruments in every other hand (certainly not mine) and the musicians played Irish and Newfie-Irish songs. Tommy told stories about his friends, including John Hume, who helped forge the 1994 ceasefire and the Good Friday peace agreement.

There was storytelling and jokes, and then I drove home, slowly, careful to avoid suicidal moose.

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