Friday, October 1, 2010

People are so nice, it makes your heart hurt

In checking up on some forest industry stats for a paper on central Oregon, I called a lady at a mill. We got to talking, and pretty soon we were just chatting away, about FSC certification and wood exports and the importance of jobs on a reservation, and she said: "keep my number so if you're back in the area, you can come down to the mill and we'll give you a tour."

I don't know why people behave this way. I mean, logically, people don't need to be friendly in day-to-day dealings. But so many have this inherent curiosity about each other that translates to something like empathy; perhaps this cannot be explained through the logic of economics or psychology, but only through the logic of sociology, which sees mutual benefit in such actions.

I now have a SIN (Social Insurance Number, naturally), although I'm still counted as male in Canada. I have a note scrawled somewhere about returning to the SIN office once I get my sex changed. It might be easier, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Off to CO for a few days in December but nothing else planned. Did I mention I'm retiring at the end of June next year? I'm quite looking forward to it. Perhaps a visit would not be out of the question. Wish I could help you out and it's nice that you have such confidence in my abilities. I am sending really good thoughts your way.
