Friday, September 3, 2010

It's almost labo[u]r day

Here's a video of a guy with a Newfie accent, talking about his Newfie dog. I've been thinking about recording people in my day-to-day adventures, especially people giving me directions. "Oh, ye go o'er the hill, thar, m'dear, and y'know the city hall? The new one? Yah, there, ye go down that road an' jus' across the street there, ye'll see it." I have taken to just blindly driving in a random direction and hoping that I run into whatever I was looking for.

I'm currently trying to decide what to do with my weekend. I think I'll just start driving and see if I end up in a place that I like. I had my first couple of days of work, so I'm pretty exhausted and need a vacation. Just a little joke. Actually, I'm feeling guilty as can be, and like I need to just stay in and work on some manuscripts from the phud, but I also don't want to waste this nice weather in this wonderful place. I'll take my recording device with me, and try to download conversations I have with random passersby. And people who give me directions.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I understood the man in the video say was something about teeth.
