Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Git 'er done

I have now started to see results after several days of grinding bureaucracy. I have a telephone (pow!), internet (kazam!), and... lots more to do. The telephone was hooked up yesterday, but I wasn't getting a dial tone, so I scheduled an appointment with a phone technician guy for "between 1 and 5" today. I was at home when the friendly telephone man showed up and started testing all the outlets to find there was no dial tone. We followed the line down to the basement and checked in this magical wire-box thing, and he said "a ha. I've seen this before." He pointed out where several wires had been cut. "It's the Rogers company, they've been cutting the lines." Turns out there are competing phone service providers, and the other company had come in and cut the telephone lines of their competitors just so this inconvenience would arise. But friendly telephone man fixed the problem and I suddenly, miraculously, had a line to the outside world.

In other news, my car will be officially illegal in a couple of weeks, and after standing in several lines and speaking with completely rational, polite, and helpful Canadian officials, I found out the car dealership in Oregon hasn't submitted my registration paperwork yet because "the title isn't right" or some shit. Ah. Well, at least they're doing their best.

Last night, I went to a movie (the execrable Eat, Pray, Love) with a couple girls from work then afterward went for a nip of the local specialty, screech. It was okay because the bartender mixed it with butterscotch liqueur. The "Burt Reynolds" he called it. It was a nice night - my first social night in Corner Brook.

Just finished The Shipping News (E. Annie Proulx), which was one of the best books I've read in a long time. Amazing. Four stars. It's about the northern peninsula of Newfoundland and I think I'll head up that way this labo"u"r day weekend.

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