Monday, August 30, 2010

Settling in...

I went for a run today along a great trail that followed the coast, and ran for probably 3 miles until I reached the end. This adds to the network of wonderful trails around Corner Brook, making for some great day-to-day walking/running. As for the surrounding area, it seems pretty limitless. I stared at a map today hanging at the college, completely blown away by the scope of the wilderness here. It's like Alaska, I think. Actually, I guess it's like most of Canada.

My apartment is coming together. While clean and spacious, I was initially horrified by the overall beigeness, which I have (almost) successfully banished to the background. I'm actually offended by the color. I mean, if you like beige, more power to you. Strut around in those khaki Dockers all you like. But every shade of beige, no matter how J. Crew describes it, is awful to me.

Here's the living room, with my lovely little love seat, now covered in Indonesian tapestry.

Thanks to Jess for the stationery that inspired the kitchen cabinets:

I'll post more pictures of both the house and the college soon. My office (my own office!) is actually quite nice, with a curve of windows and a couple of pretty sweet pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Erin it looks great! I love the fact that you've decorated and spiced up the monotone. Girl, the Newfies don't even know what's coming.
