Tuesday, August 10, 2010

acronomyzing (a-CRON-a-mizing)

Sarah and I are developing acronyms to replace everyday speech. In order for the acronyms to spread (via small towns across Montana, SD, and the Midwest), we use them as casually as possible:

"JIC you were wondering," for example, means "Just in case you were wondering."

Many of our acronyms are useful; many are not, but will become useful once in common parlance. CJNSQ = certain je ne sais quoi. WHITS = what happens in the Subaru [stays in the Subaru]. FBOS = [something very dirty].

The opposite process is phrasing, that of assigning words to each letter of a word. We haven't developed this practice just yet, but I'd like to make my claim on its future popularity.

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