Friday, August 20, 2010

And so I'll name my first baby "Aggie"

Aggie [Canadian border patrol agent lady]: "So you're going to work in Canada?"
Me: "Yup." Starting to get a little nervous. The documents didn't come before I left Oregon.
Aggie: Looks at my passport. "Do you have a signed contract?"
Me: "Uhhh, no. I have this letter." I Produce a slightly dog-eared, coffee-stained letter from the university. It says they're offering me a job.
Aggie: "This is it?" She reads it, turns it over. "Do you have any more documentation? Like your qualifications?"
Me: "Maybe in the car..." My voice trails off. "I guess I could..."
Aggie: Smiles. "Just tell me if you don't."
Me: "Yeah, I don't think so."
Aggie: "I don't want to be rude, but you're really unprepared."
Me: "Yeah, I'm sorry."
Aggie: "I'll see what I can do."
[Time passes, Aggie fills out some paperwork]
Aggie: "Can you call someone and have them fax us things?"
[I call the university and just get an answering service]
Aggie: "Do you have an address in Newfoundland?"
Me: "Yeah, but... uhhh... I don't know it."
Aggie: "You are a challenge."
Me: Nervous laughter.
Aggie: "You know, other people probably wouldn't have let you do this. But I'll give you a work permit. I'm going to trust you to fax me your documents."
Me: "Oh God, thank you so much."

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