Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thanks, Mac!

This post will be brief, as I am currently sitting in Interzone, waiting to breaksup with Jess. The name of the breaksupping dish is "Janet Relleno." I wanted to make a few notes, to remind myself of things I want to write about, which are: the Commonwealth (of Nations, and of the Realm), and... nothing else, maybe. Just a mental note.

My car is packed, my house is clean, and Marvin is freaking out because he thinks, as he does every time I leave him, that I will never come back for him and he will be hungry forever. Fear not, young Marvin! I will return.

Plans seem to be working out with SL, who will be accompanying me from Portland to Chicago. Her timing is pretty spot on - she got back from Alaska, spent a little time at the beach, and we'll converge in Portland for an epic road journey. I was slightly concerned, but things are just kind of falling in line. I mean, it could be because I've been planning, packing, and panicking for about a month, but it could also be because I have an angel, literally, looking over my shoulder. My angel is a chain-smoking New Yorker named Mac who kicks the shit out of my obstacles. Thanks, Mac!

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