Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fried chicken with Chinese food in La Crosse, WI

We had Chinese food in La Crosse, WI, today. Sarah said "Wisconsin might surprise you" and I was pleasantly surprised by La Crosse, which has a quiet, historic downtown with brightly-painted old brick buildings.

We'd had such a nice surprise on the way: southeastern Minnesota. We went down highway 16, through what felt like a North American Vietnam, it was so humid and tropical. We camped on the river, on a giant lawn, and upon waking, with the mist rising from the river, I said that it seemed we should be able to go into town and get guavas. We went for a hike and ended up covered in sweat, overlooking a patchwork farm-and-hardwood-forest that stretched into the distance.

Back to La Crosse: we went to Chinese food, and they had a lunch special that was pretty typical; you know, hot and sour soup, rice, some kind of stir-fry. And two pieces of fried chicken. Fried chicken even came with the veggie dishes. We think this was a nod to Midwestern culture.

As for the rest of it: lots of strip malls, lots of water parks, and lots of bad driving here in WI and IL. We've tried coming up with a motto for Rockford, IL, where we're currently listening to soft rock at a wireless cafe. Possibilities include:

Rockford: Not as Bad as It Could Be
Rockford: Let's Go to Sonic and Get a 1/4 Lb Chili Dog
Rockford: It Stinks Here
Rockford: Don't Hold Your Breath
Rockford: At Least You Don't Have to Get Dressed Up
Rockford: I Wish I Were Blind
Rockford: Let's Get this Over With
Rockford: A Great Place to Sniff Glue
Rockford: I Am Disappointed in You
Rockford: You Have Something on Your Face
Rockford: Not Much of a Looker
Rockford: Because Happiness Isn't for Everyone
Rockford: I Think They Have a Cream for That
Rockford: I'll Just Wait in the Car

Almost to Chicago, to hang with the brother and be all cosmopolitan. Are we up to the task? Certainly.

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