Thursday, August 5, 2010

Trench coats: not just for flashers anymore

Here we are, Thursday already. Holy Moses, this has been one heck of a visit. Sarah is keeping an anti-bucket list (things she's done that she didn't even know she wanted to do) and it's growing full. Today was hiking and then a swim in a very cold alpine lake. Tubing and drinking beer on the river yesterday.

Last night, we had a BBQ and had people write down professions for Sarah to pursue. Among the nominees: space shuttle janitor; beekeeper; and puffy paint t-shirt designer. Sarah is still torn. Quite possibly, she will simply wander off from the car somewhere in South Dakota. At the BBQ, we wore hats:

Also, yesterday, we visited a thrift store called Di's, staffed by a charming woman with no teeth. Sarah bought five trench coats, four beanies, and a Mt. Rushmore plaque for $7. I got a purple jumpsuit because I don't have enough clothes. Also, two belts.

Our hike today was beautiful. Amie was really excited about granite and kept pointing it out. Everywhere across Montana are these beautifully preserved ghost towns and other detritus of our civilization. What will survive, when 1000 years have passed? Maybe not a lot, but perhaps these conical coal kilns. And the archaeologists of the future will say, what funny houses!

I must admit that the Mexican food here in Dillon is divine. I was dismissive, and I have come to regret my hasty judgment. Fine, Amie! It's fucking good. And Amie and I rode a tandem bike yesterday, just to make the day complete.

Sorry if this is just a list of things I've done. I'm off to eat homemade saag paneer.


  1. Erin, your trip sounds awesome. Isn't an anti-bucket list a bunch of things you really didn't want to do? I dunno.

    But your road trip sounds a lot more fun and leisurely than the one Jessica and I will embark upon in another week or so. We might pass you on one of the interstates.

  2. You and Amie are too cute on that tandem bike!! Glad to see you're having a fun trip.

    I just ate lunch at MP West. It was definitely lacking. . . something. . . oh wait, someone.

    Safe and fun travels!
